Helping good people and institutions to be financially better
Our Philosophy
CKW Financial Group specializes in discretionary strategic balanced portfolio management and investment consulting services. We believe a well-diversified global portfolio, enhanced by a dynamic asset allocation process can offer investors (Individuals, Financial Advisors, Institutional Investors) the most consistent risk adjusted returns. Our goal is to protect capital during volatile markets while being prepared to capture incremental returns over time.

Hawaii Traditionalists

Forward Thinkers

Independent Advisor

Comprehensive Consultative Wealth Manager
Innovative Solutions – Global ETF Strategic Portfolios
CKW manages several balanced global portfolios with different risk characteristics and time horizons. Employing a fundamental approach to research and investing in ETFs and Mutual Funds, the strategy is first to underweight low probability assets then to capture various sources of return among traditional and non-traditional asset classes over time.
ETF Portfolios for Advisors CKW Opportunistic Global Balanced Portfolio
Growth Fund
Income = 0%*
Growth Fund
Income = 0%
Income Fund
Income = 0%
Growth Fund
Income = 0%
*Primary model – 10 year verified performance track record. The percentages listed reflect the allocation of the benchmark. CKW’s model constraints (+/-15%) allow freedom to shift portfolio allocation away from the benchmark to be opportunistic or tactical, depending on the market outlook. Request Historical Returns for the Global Balance Portfolio– click here Other Financial Tools used include: SMAs, MF, Multi–asset, Income Funds, Dividend Focused, Fidelity Annuities, 529s, REITs, Alternative and Commodities and Emerging Markets Funds with Currency Hedging.
Advantages of Asset Allocation
There is no single investment principle that has more impact on a portfolio‘s performance than proper and balanced allocation among different asset classes. Investing across stocks, bonds and cash—your asset allocation—is one of the keys to long-term success. Therefore, when you select an advisor or investment consultant, ask for their independently verified performance numbers in order to help determine their asset allocation track record. Many Institutional investors delegate discretion to a Fiduciary Investment Consultant for asset allocation, manager selection, and manager due diligence. CKW is positioned to be responsible and accountable for its own asset allocation advice and implementation.
There are many investment vehicles at different costs that access both Equity (stocks) and Fixed Income (bonds). CKW currently uses low cost ETFs and Mutual Funds to capture the best ”Net of Fee“ rate of return for our client‘s asset allocation. Broad based ETFs also reduce manager interaction risk, producing and allowing intended allocations to capture incremental returns over time.
Minimizing risk while maximizing return is any investor’s prime goal. Asset allocation is an excellent tool for managing volatility of investments and controlling risks. While two of the Principals, who act as the Portfolio Managers, received their CIMA certification at Wharton, one of them also taught “Asset Allocation, Manager Selection and Due Diligence” as an Adjunct Professor for IMCAs CIMA certification at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business.
Client Learning Center – Insight & Resources
At CKW we believe that an informed client better understands the process and the structure behind proper asset allocation and the benefits of a balanced portfolio. We have partnered with ETF.com to provide daily commentary around global investment themes.
How to Evaluate ETFs An efficient ETF produces maximum results with minimal input.
What is an ETN Investors typically use the term “ETF” to mean a lot of things that aren’t technically “exchange-traded funds”: commodity pools, grantor trusts and debt securities.
Why Are ETF’s So Tax Efficient? ETFs are vastly more tax efficient than competing mutual funds.
Fundamental Index Series – Diversified Approach to Smart Beta Explore the unique role of the Fundamental Index approach in the larger smart-beta universe, as well as new application of this tested methodology.
MLP Taxation, Know Your Options Learn about the tax implications of MLP investing and how product structure can impact returns.
Confronting Market Volitility Join ETF.com, MSCI and iShares to take a closer look at the MSCI Minimum Volatility indexes, which are designed to reflect broad market performance with less risk in times of high volatility.
Investment Team

Carl E. Choy
Focus: Asset Allocation, Estate Planning and Client Strategies
- Licensed in the financial industry since 1982
- CIMA accreditation, University of Pennsylvania‘s Wharton School
- Former Associate Faculty, Wharton School of Business
- Former Faculty, College for Financial Planning
- Former SVP, Institutional Consultant, Morgan Stanley/Merrill Lynch
- Former Regional ESOP Specialist, Morgan Stanley
- Hawaii‘s #1 Advisor by Hawaii Business Magazine, 2006
Community Involvement:
- International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plan
- National Captive Insurance Forum
- Investment Management Consultant Association
- Conference Speaker

Lynne R. Kinney
Focus: Asset Allocation, Investment Implementation, Retirement Planning and Client Strategies
- More than 25 years in the financial industry
- CIMA accreditation, University of Pennsylvania‘s Wharton School
- B.B.A. in Finance and International Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Former SVP, Institutional Consultant, Morgan Stanley/Merrill Lynch
- Former Regional ESOP Specialist, Morgan Stanley
Community Involvement:
- American Red Cross – Hawaii Chapter
- Epilepsy Foundation
- Metropolitan Honolulu Rotary Club
- Conference Speaker

Ronald C. ”Buzz“ Wo
- More than 10 years in the financial industry
- M.B.A. in Finance, University of Washington
- B.B.A. from Lewis & Clark College
Community Involvement:
- Hawaii Community Foundation
- Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific
- Special Olympics
- Palolo Home
- Girl Scout Council
- Conference Speaker
Who We Serve
Contact Us
CKW Financial Group
1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1950 Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813 Phone: (808) 629-7600 Fax: (808) 675-5400 Email: info@ckwhawaii.com Directions and Parking CKW Financial Group is located in downtown Honolulu at Bishop Square. We provide free validated parking at the Bishop Square Garage on Alakea Street.
*FT 300 Disclosure: The 2015 Financial Times Top 300 Registered Investment Advisors is an independent listing produced by the Financial Times (June, 2015). The FT 300 is based on data gathered from RIA firms, regulatory disclosures, and the FT’s research. As identified by the FT, the listing reflected each practice’s performance in six primary areas, including assets under management, asset growth, compliance record, years in existence, credentials and accessibility. Neither the RIA firms nor their employees pay a fee to The Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 300. For 2015, 630 RIA firms that applied were then graded six criteria: AUM; AUM growth rate; years in existence; advanced industry credentials; online accessibility; and compliance records. FT augmented that information with their own research into the practices, including data from regulatory filings. The formula the FT uses to grade advisers is based on six broad factors and calculates a numeric score for each adviser. Areas of consideration include adviser assets under management, asset growth, the firm’s years in existence, industry certifications of key employees at the firms, SEC compliance record and online accessibility.